In this section we will look at the different treatment options available.

First steps

The first step is to refer yourself to Harbour – attend our referral drop-in Monday – Friday 11.00 – 12.30.

You will meet with one of our friendly and helpful staff who will take some details about your drinking, explore what has worked for you in the past, and make some suggestions that may be helpful in reducing your drinking. Based on this initial assessment we will discuss with you your options for treatment. These may include talking therapies, care co-ordination, or detoxification.

Talking therapies

Brief Interventions are suitable for non-dependent / dependent drinkers who are motivated to make changes and have good support networks.

Group – we run Brief intervention Groups which consist of 3 psycho-educational sessions which will help you weigh up your drinking and give you some ideas about how to change them. We can all feel anxious about attending groups, but this peer support can be beneficial as you learn a lot from each other.

One to one brief intervention session – if you really are resistant to group work we can offer you 3 – 6 sessions one to one. These sessions follow the format of the group.

Care Co-ordination

This is a longer term intervention, suitable for dependent drinkers with little or no support network, poor health or other additional needs. Your care co-ordinator will meet with you regularly and support you to reduce your drinking and access other services to meet your needs.


As explained in the section Tips to Reduce Safely it is important you reduce you’re drinking in a planned way to prevent alcohol withdrawal symptoms. If this is difficult there is an alcohol detoxification treatment. This is not a quick fix. Even medically assisted alcohol withdrawal can be difficult and dangerous. You will be assessed for suitability by our community detox team. You will need to have someone living with you during the detox period.




Get in touch with Harbour to talk about your needs, and what is the most suitable course of treatment for you.